Friday, September 26, 2008

The "Skypes" the limit!

How fun is that!?! We have been having a blast. Yes lesson from Irag to England to Kansas and all points in between. A most enjoyable time is had by all. Thank you all, and I welcome everyone else that would like to 'join the fun!'.

I'm pretty entertaining... "Just ask me!" and so unfortunately the hour slips by so fast... and we hang out longer anyway, just because it is so astonishing to be giving lessons halfway round the world and yet, it's like we're all in the same neighborhood.

I used to teach in a music school when I had more time... it was as entertaining (I tell ya, the older I get, the funnier younger people are). I remember being the "youngster" with my long hair, rebel ways (okay, you know me... I was very POLITE about my rebelness) but I recall the 'headshaking" of that older generation. Now "I see" what was so funny. Being young, is just funny.

Anyway,  I tour to much to keep a regular schedule but scheduling Skype lessons solved that, so I'd like to try opening up lessons for 'music' in general.  Heck, if you'd like to see if I could help you get 'kick started' in your Stick, NS/Stick, guitar, bass, song writing, lyric writing... heck, Skype or email me ( put -look@melook@u- in the subject) ... Have I gotta lesson for you, we'll talk about it, happy to help if I can.

Okay, gotta gig coming up in October. A seminar and concert. Neil Bettencourt has joined me on drums/percussion and stuff ya hit. We have been rehearsing and I couldn't be happier. After this seminar and concert, I'll start booking festivals and put a tour together for my solo shows with Neil. I'm really enjoying the unique style we've found. I'd tell ya more, but how 'bout I play a place near you, and you come on out and see us. We'll have a blast.

I had the "Supreme" compliment the other day. It's nice when people ask for your autograph and are so polite saying, "I don't wish to disturb you but could I...." Let me tell ya, I waited a 
l-o-n-g time for someone to want my autograph... "Heck I'll chase ya down if I think you want one!"

Anyway I got an email requesting an Autograph picture as a gift for someone. (I tried giving my wife one for Christmas, but "somehow" the 'charm' was lost on her and I had to go buy something else). Oh well, I'm on this one though, got a nice picture all picked out for them. 

Then Speaking of fun stuff like that, ... this took me by surprise. I got stopped the other day as someone had a big "Don Schiff wall Clock!" with them, complete with my picture with hour, minute and second hands on it... and they wanted it autographed! (I don't even have a "don schiff clock!" (But I think I'll get one for my wife for Christmas, I'll try again!) So I signed it, "Nice Spending Time With You!" ...... C'mon, that was a good one!

Maybe I'll sign my wife's, "Could ya stand me one more minute!" (I joke, we've been at each other... I mean together 30 some years now). I love it.

Alright, gotta run now and so I'll close with.. "I'll keep practicing, you keep listening"
Take care,

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Look at me lookin' at you! lol

This is working out great, lots of requests for the online lessons Tvshow of shows. Wonderful to hear from all of you we are gonna hit the computer airwaves hard. Perfect! and we'll have a blast too.

This concept is new to all of us so if you'd like 'jump in the deep end' with me and try it out!, ... 'You can stare at me, staring at you', we can set up a time to try Skype out, you'll see me, I'll see you, we'll LAUGH!!!! You'll know it works and then we can set a lesson up if you'd like. Hey, the call doesn't even cost a 'dime'. And how many of us remember a call costing a dime. Heck I don't recall seeing phone booths anymore for that matter! Ahhhhhh, the worlds changing.... "and I'm diggin' it!' (showin' my age with that 'hip' lingo of long ago).

My skype name is very tricky.. Took me many man and woman hours to come up with it, "donschiff'. Whew, who'd of thought.

 email me at to schedule a "look at me, lookin' at you" laugh fest. Put "Look@meLookin@you" in the subject heading please.

"Don't delay call today!" okay okay, "Don't delay, email today!"

I'm from the East Coast originally, whew did they have the 'sales' slogans down to an art form, even the phone numbers were interesting to remember, They had names like:
"Cherryhill 9" or "Sycamore 8"... Ahhh memory lane. Nice place to visit.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Skype, lesson, humor, tv show coStarring You!

Ya know it's a new cyber world out their and to add to that, I have "Skype". I talk to my friend Al through the computer in Australia, And sure I wake him up half the time but..... it's a free call, and if he had a camera I'd see him too. Perhaps at that late of an hour, that's why he never got a camera!

I'm thinkin', I could give lessons if someone would want one, this Stick and NS/Stick instruments I play aren't exactly 'household music' store or lesson items. So here it is, if you'd like a Stick, NS/Stick or Bass Lesson, contact me... here's the email We'll talk, set a time, ... (if you're in Australia 'set that alarm clock!') and we'll put a Skype lesson together.

With Skype, you are able to see and hear me on your computer screen as well as I can see and hear you on mine. No glitches in sound or jerky pictures either! It's free to download too

It'll be great, part lesson, humor and TV show Starring you and me! . I'm lookin' forward to it.

Take care, "See ya on TV!"

Saturday, September 6, 2008

"A nice surprise call"

I got a surprise call this morning. The Dave Mason band is on tour and their bassist went to the hospital (we wish you a speedy recovery). So when that happens you need to cover the dates coming up... so I got a call this morning to see about my availability.  I suggested if it looks like they'll need me to send me mp3's of the set, I'll arrive off the jet ready to go.

Regardless of whether they will need me this time, it's nice knowing someone was kind enough to think of you. "Thanks Guys!"

For those Dave Mason Fans you already know that at 19 he wrote the classic "Feelin' Alright". A great song and even more so when you get to play it with the original artist!

How many times have you played "Johnny B. Goode" - to many we'd say, however I had the honor to play it with Chuck Berry and I tell ya, It took on a whole new level and meaning. It was great as the original 'spark' was there. Not just three chords and a rif but the original spark of 'why the tune works'. A great moment.

Another deluxe moment was the time I was doing a TV show and got to play one of my all time favorite songs, "Let's Stay Together".  You guessed it, with Al Greene (and a reverend at that
time too). A kind and humble man, it was truly a great experience performing with him and meeting him.

You all have a great day, 'who knows what calls we'll get and who we'll hear from tomorrow!"