Monday, February 27, 2012


I added a fun experimental tune called "All@Once" because everything you hear was played all at the same time. My NS/Stick is midi-ed so the each note of the chord triggered different percussion rythms and drums. The organ and synth triggered from the same chord and bass and guitar are the actual sound of the NS/Stick. At the 'Record STore" link select 45's and scroll to the bottom or just click 'here' and look for "ALL@Once"

Just a quick something until I have more time this weekend. I have a wonderful seesion Monday for a young artist. Those seem to be happening more and more the older I get.... 'go figure'. The beauty of being a player and writer is that it is ageless. Beethoven would look pretty awful today however... we still hear his music. I'll talk more about the session Tuesday, some noted fine players and producer involved.

Two videos (fingers crossed) will come out of a live performance I did at the "Baked Potato". (famous club here in Los Angeles, I mention that for those that don't know as I realize it seems like a silly name.) The second video will be one of a new technique I developed on the NS/Stick, you have to see it to appreciate. My favorite kind of technique. Anyway I wrote a song around the technique and will video it. Nice solo piece. Then put the video on everyones favorite "youtube". It will link back to (everyone's favorite website - here!) where I will (fingers crossed) have added to the audio, added some overdubs to give a more produced recorded version of the tune. Lots to do. Time is crunched but... we have projects.

Enjoy your day, /Don


New news with the old still there from the other day!!

I added a new tune on the Schiff Bros. CD called "Rio Nights" click and go have a listen then add it to your collection. This is a piece I specifically wrote

for my brother to feature on tenor and then he throws in a stylin' flute solo as well. I enter later with a fun lead solo and we land together at the


A new day a new news. This a little in advance but heck why not. To me anything beyond tomorrow is far off so this is like... outta sight.

I'll be performing in Vancouver, BC

at Cellar Jazz is Thursday, May 24 at 8pm.

3611 W. Broadway Ave. and on

May 27th - Granville Island.

There will also be a "Stick Seminar XI" I'll be co-teaching at. For more info. go to

I'll be posting a tune I'm working on, a 'work in progress' to give us something new to listen to. It has a fun bass line (NS/Stick actually) and a lot of nice rhythmic parts (NS/Stick again). Needs a melodic lead I think and I'm working on it. Of course real percussion, loops are fun for reference and tracking. Anyway it is up for listening as it gets built. You can purchase of course if you like at this point however I'll leave a full listen. And update it as we go and build. For now lets call it "Progress" (and this link will take you to it).

This weekend I'll do a video and tune. I have a new NS/Stick technique I want to show. That will be the video aspect and I will add amusing aspects to it as it seems even I get bored just watching me so I'm thinking of an interesting side line story or background to give us "Get bored easy ' types somethin' to hold on too while listening. Then I'll produce the music aspect of the video to a higher production and polish and put it up at the "Record Store". The Video, more for lookin' at the new technique, very interesting and funny enough I'm interested to see it too!!! I only see it from my side of my eyes, I'm anxious to watch it from your aspect. Should be fun, LOL you should see it from my side its a bit insane when I think about it...... so I try not to.

Been takin' my dog out for some nice walks, and noticed lately...." my dog smiles and gets really happy..... watchin' me pick her poops up in a plastic bag and carry it for her on the way home!!" I"ve notice this little smirk of delight in that from her as if she says, "Thats right, I brought it this far, now you pick it up in the bag, tie it off, and carry it home with us". Funny dog, and she thinks, crazy person carryin' poops around.

Speaking of which: It seems as I go threw old posts I have a string of 'walkin' the dog stories"

Okay, Last time I told a dog story it was the one where I forgot to bring a Poop bag but had a very small kleenex. So I balance the Large TURD in the small kleenex, Cell phone rang, I grabbed it out of my pocket, dogs lurched, Poops got unbalanced while teetering in the kleenex... Poop hit the phone just as I put it to my ear, ...... Smooosh!!!! It even sounded like it smelled bad!

And then there was:

The dog (Lovely Shepard mix) just loves those walks and seems to relish a nice place to poop (has all day to do it at home) but would rather me carry it around the block instead. Walk the dog up, walk the dog and poop back. I have a technique where I put the plastic bag inside out on my hand, capture the poop, pull the plastic bag 'right side out' and the Hand comes out clean and Poop safely captured in the bag.... "To bad this bag had a hole in the bottom". Finger stayed inside the bag!" I must say, she's a warm dog inside... Quite the steamy turd! (I think I saw her laughing! with her funny dog smile with tongue hangin' out!"

I also have fish now, I like 'em they stay put, no walking.

Have a great day!




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Friday, February 17, 2012

Yesterdays News 2/17/12

HELLOOOO!!! Grazie per la visita, 訪問していただきありがとうございます, תודה על הביקור , Thank you for visiting.

I did a wonderrful album with Carrie Graham called ""Notes From the Nut Hatch" and this tune is called "Mirrors" one of my favorites . . I got to do some fun NS/Stickbassguitar parts on. It sounded a bit 'ethnic' the way I played the lick, you'll hear it, its a few bars into the intro, very fun tune to play as I got to stretch out and create some interesting bass lines and licks. -click here- or click her picture She is a lovely writer, singer and person. Her last ablum that I played was called "Labyrinth" . That was one of my favorite CD's I've played on as well. There is a lovely video of her last album with a cut called "Ghost". Have a look I played Bass on that one.

I had a wonderful day in the studio today, the 'elaborate' studio where I'm not the engineer or producer just the co-writer and played some instruments. It sounds "Fantastic" I look so forward to these tunes with Tully Winfield to be able for you all to hear. I also look forward for them to be placed too.

A movie I have been a part of for some time is making headway, Lance Matthew is the singer/writer and all round wonderful guy I'm assisting scoring the music with. It takes a long time to finish a movie, and this movie has started from "Before you sell it and theres a budget". So we still have some way to go but it is fun to be a part of 'art' from the ground up. Ya gotta have patience. Last year I saw the 'animated' teaser real. Looked like fun. It isn't a animated film it was just started that well to sell the script. Step two, then get actors to play the parts, step three, put a teaser reel together with real actors to sell the film, step four, hire Lance and myself to do the music, step five.... I'll let ya when I know Lol, actually step five, what for the filming to finish so you have a locked film to score too. Other wise you'll write music for scenes that will make the waste basket and never see the light of day.


To go back to
HELLOOOO!!! Grazie per la visita, 訪問していただきありがとうございます, תודה על הביקור , Thank you for visiting.

I did a wonderrful album with Carrie Graham called ""Notes From the Nut Hatch" and this tune is called "Mirrors" one of my favorites . . I got to do some fun NS/Stickbassguitar parts on. It sounded a bit 'ethnic' the way I played the lick, you'll hear it, its a few bars into the intro, very fun tune to play as I got to stretch out and create some interesting bass lines and licks. -click here- or click her picture She is a lovely writer, singer and person. Her last ablum that I played was called "Labyrinth" . That was one of my favorite CD's I've played on as well. There is a lovely video of her last album with a cut called "Ghost". Have a look I played Bass on that one.

I had a wonderful day in the studio today, the 'elaborate' studio where I'm not the engineer or producer just the co-writer and played some instruments. It sounds "Fantastic" I look so forward to these tunes with Tully Winfield to be able for you all to hear. I also look forward for them to be placed too.

A movie I have been a part of for some time is making headway, Lance Matthew is the singer/writer and all round wonderful guy I'm assisting scoring the music with. It takes a long time to finish a movie, and this movie has started from "Before you sell it and theres a budget". So we still have some way to go but it is fun to be a part of 'art' from the ground up. Ya gotta have patience. Last year I saw the 'animated' teaser real. Looked like fun. It isn't a animated film it was just started that well to sell the script. Step two, then get actors to play the parts, step three, put a teaser reel together with real actors to sell the film, step four, hire Lance and myself to do the music, step five.... I'll let ya when I know Lol, actually step five, what for the filming to finish so you have a locked film to score too. Other wise you'll write music for scenes that will make the waste basket and never see the light of day.


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Friday, February 10, 2012

Yesterdays News 1/19/12

Grazie per la visita, 訪問していただきありがとうございます, תודה על הביקור , Thank you for visiting.

Yikes this week went fast. Just finished another arrangement for Tully Winfield. I'm very happy with this one, I felt I matched the intensity of her voice and let that come through. Hope she loves it so we'll then move on to the 'big' studio to track it.

This was fun, I went to (internet movie data base). That is a site that lists 'who did what' in a movie or tv show. I like to see where my tunes end up and a lot of times it's a surprises. I didn't know I had music on a Yoga Video. Wow I feel better and healthier already.

My son and wife to be came over our house today to watch the game with my wife and I. Had a blast, then we all went into the back yard where Aaron showed us how to use an axe! Every axe I've ever had, had strings on it!! (brumb bump). Any way we have fun removing some trees in the backyard. They are Yucca trees I believe and these are large and I think at the end of their life cycle or sick as most of the tree is hollow. We had a nice cookout too wow can that "Jen" cook. (Aaron fiancee).

It's late, .... and I have to get up early tomorrow. For that matter Tuesday as well. Tuesday is an early session.

MOre LOTS mOre music comin' up.


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Monday, February 6, 2012

Grazie per la visita, 訪問していただきありがとうございます, תודה על הביקור , Thank you for visiting.

Hey here's a "This Just In!" flash. Go to the "Record STore" page. I put a video up that was done for me WAY back in '87. Kind of fun to see a brown hair version of myself! Go look and listen.

Yikes, had a very busy week so sorry we had the 'Hold the Presses". Upcoming week will include the long awaited 'finishing up the first batch of tunes" for the publishing deal we (Tully Winfiield) and I have. I look forward to seeing where the tunes will land. Also "Lance" has started pre production. Fancy way of saying he met with the producer "Ty Stevens" last week, great meeting, everyone sees the project eye to eye and this week, Lance and I will pick the first three tunes to start with. We'll record basic tracks at an 'outside' studio then do our added tracks from our own studios and send those in to the main studio. After that, Lance will sing final vocals at the 'other' main studio and it will be mixed/mastered there as well. Fun and great 'doin's it just takes so much time. However!!!! It is a great age to do all this in, the access to great gear and studios has never been better or more affordable and accessable.

I was noticing the 'multi language' greeting of appreciation at the top of 'the news'. It's nice to see we are all from around the world reading our little community blog. I thought it would be nice for me to try saying something in your own language. I can say it sure looks fancy! And... I do hope it is correct and makes sense. If not, please feel free to correct me. AND if you like, send me a greeting in your language for me to add.

I went to S. Africa on tour once and heard a language called "Xhosa". Very different as it not only includes vowel sounds and consonats just like all the rest HOWEVER this added 'percussion' in the form of 'clicking' sounds. It was wonderful. I found a youtube of it. Have a look XHOSA. . (pronounced like "klowsa'

I wonder how they 'write' in the percusion in the written version of that language? I couldn't find it in the 'translator'. Perhaps the words come with a music staff and notes. Facinating language.

I had a blast when traveling through S. Korea and tried to learn a little Korean. To this day I still use it and try to be impressive when I meet someone that speaks Korean. It is a very polite culture, I know this because they smile nicely, hold back a little laugh and then say, 'that was very good'. What is it you are trying to say?"

감사합니다 = Thank you, and sounds like "Kamsamneeda" I wonder if all my mispronunciations action end up sounding perfect but in an entirely different language??!!

Like... Australian "made easy". If you want to say a polite 'hello or equal salutation'. Just talk about your "eye" and say "Good Eye". And there you have it, you just said, "good day" , see if it were only all that simple in all languages.

Anyway enough contemplation on language. "Lets Start The Day".... which in some other language translates to "Finish your coffee already, quit procrastinating and get stuff done already" LOL.


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