(I turned the music off as it keeps playing through the other posts - 3/14/09)
"Hit the PAUSE button!value="sameDomain">I just noticed the 'music' comes on "Right away"! "Hey whats all that racket going on up there!!"
I wasn't sure if I could get this player to show up on this blog... turns out "It works!" It's amazing, I have no idea what I'm doing... and yet, (a lot of the times) stuff works!
Here (as you heard) are little snippets of tunes from the "Peering Over Clouds" cd. Sure it's been a while since I put a new cd out... hence I'm working on 4 albums at the moment. Each will be a different style of music, Progressive rock, Smooth Jazz, Meditation and my version of Rock.
Other music coming up will include the Movie theme I'm working on with Lance Matthew which will include a sound track of the music from the film we're scoring. He will also have a new CD release not tied to the movie release, we're almost finished with that.
A new Internet Tv show is going to start production soon and is very funny. They will have me write a theme for that, I don't know how much interior music there will be, but if there's the need... I know lots of notes I could use.
I had a meeting in "Westwood" about it last week with the production company, same restaurant as before (previous blog rant) BUT this time I valet parked... only $5.00 (with tip)... last time I paid $25.00 (with no tip) at the facility across the street and vowed!! "You won't get me next time!" (as I was gonna be late for the meeting if I spent the time looking for parking soooo I bit the bullet and... it bit back).
After this meeting I learned there's FREE parking one block north. (Oh and lunch was VERY good... I had Turkey, mashed potatoes and cranberries... kinda like thanksgiving actually but in February - with fresh berries for dessert). That's good "Listening food". If I don't have to talk a lot, I get stuff that you can shovel in your mouth and chew whilst ya listen! Good meeting, half a season is already written, most of the casting is done. Next, get a 'line producer' to hire the rest of the production people (gaffers, lighting, locations etc...) then shooting will start, the lead is already cast (can't mention him yet) then I'll start writing the theme as the director will start to compile thoughts as to what they would like it to 'sound and feel' like. That's what I'll go by, as I begin composing.
The Guild" which is another TV show I do for the internet (and now signed a nice deal for a third season) is going strong. Click >>> "The Guild" for more news of that show.
All for now, I got sent a session I need to complete, then 'send it back' to Canada. I was asked to solo on a tune... 'and so I did' I hope they like it. We'll now I have to finish it, so they can like it!
Take care, it's rainy here in Southern California, It rarely rains so it's a treat. For those of you in Oregon, it would just be another day. To our back east friends, (My Mom's on the east coast) "Stay warm" and June will one day, come again.