Friday, July 25, 2008

Mysterious Me

So yea, that's my cousin in one of my childhood 'favorite' movies - "Mysterious Island". His name is Michael Callan and was also the charactor 'Riff' in the Broadway hit West Side Story. Ohhhh he's good.

Anyway, July 21st at 12:30 pm on TCM channel this movie will air. Your gonna love it, check it out., Giant Crabs, Captain Nemo, Monsterous Octopus and yes... Pirates! Ohhh it's a good one. And he gets the girl too, Yay cousin.

Hey, I was in a few movies... no crabs, octopus and I didn't even see a girl on the set however if you rent 84 CHARLIE MOPIC... I'm in the first 10 minutes of the film painting rocks white. Speaking of not getting the girl, how's this. There is the video I have out of the tune "Wait By The River" (check youtube you'll find it - or.. go their.

Anyway, I shoot my part and the director says "Yea and this girl will dance around and such.." I think, hey, wow, this is gonna be great! My video, I'm in it... Great looking girl!" We shoot the music portion first of me playing and singing and then I'm told we'll add the dancer. I get a call two days later... "Videos done, she was great!" WHAT!!!!! My own video I don't to even 'imagine in my head that I could 'get' the girl (married 32 years.. was never gonna happen in reality) BUT Ya Know It Would Have Made A Great Story In My Head!!! But no.... Never even saw her til the video. Ahhh Hollywood! Ah well, my cousin did just fine at least.