Saturday, January 14, 2012

Yesterdays news

Okay I'm liking this "Radio Announcement" photo,

Nice news today, Ty Stevens will be producing the next Lance Mattew CD. Great artist matched with a great producer, go look, nice website. As I visited hit produced artists page I noticed Laura Satterfield . I worked and wrote with her Many years ago. Great voice and writer. Her aunt is Rita Coolidge. Anyway Ty will be a great match for Lance, I have an album of Lances in the "Record STore" (While the Giant Sleeps). That is where I first met Lance, hired to play on the album then we became the best of friends. I'm excited, it has been to long in between albums for him "Carousel" was the last and that was... I don't even remember, I just remember touring through Sweden with him promoting the CD.

I'd get up early to have the 'free' breakfast from where we were staying. He always slept in. As I went outside (FREEZING with lots of snow on the ground) I'd make a snow ball and throw it at his rooms window as I passed by. Lance being stronger/faster than I... I always kept a reserve bundle of snowballs at the side in case he ran out of his room ready to throw some snow back.... I'd wait, nothing, then I'd go have breakfast.

After 3 days of this, I said "Don't you hear the "Thwap" of the snow ball hitting your window each morning!?!?!". He laughed and said , "Your throwing them at the wrong window, my rooms over there.!!!!



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